Give your home a stylish, vintage look with fun and fashionable embroidered tweed cushions
What you need...
- Fabric: tweed, blue, purple, cotton, striped, checked
Buttons: mix, red, light blue
Thread, embroidery: pale blue, turquoise, pink, purple
Interfacing, fusible
Fabric marking pencil
Sewing kit
Make a 32cm triangular template from paper, then cut tweed for the front of the cushion, and cotton for the back. Trace leaves or flowers onto iron-on interfacing using designs from the pattern pack. Use an iron to fix the shapes to the back of another piece of cotton, and cut out. Mark the design for the tweed, leaving a 1cm border.
Peel the paper backing from the shapes and position on the tweed. Iron to fix in place. Add running stitch along the centre of each leaf, or if using flowers, attach a red button in the middle to secure. Sew along the pencil marks. Fix buttons along the line of stitching.
Pin the front and back panels of the cushion, right sides facing and stitch 1cm in from the edge, leaving a 10cm gap at the end. Turn the cushion the right way out and press flat. Stuff with wadding, making sure it’s spread evenly and reaches the corners. Sew up the gap.
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